jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008

Concierto Manuel Ricardes

Animo a todo aquel amante del tango, que venga a escuchar a este personaje, que más genial y auténtico no puede ser. Vengan ser deleitados con su duende, su destreza en la guitarra y su magnífica voz.

Con todos vosotros y desde el Coloma , Manuel Ricardes.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Hello, I had the pleasure to listen to Manuel Ricardes last week in Cadiz. I would be so glad to get the music of some of his titels but I could not find them in Munich. Does anybody know how to get them or how to get in contact with Manuel Ricardes? My favorites are Nocturno and Romanza by J.M. Soulés and Madreselvas by Amadori y Canaro. Thanks a lot,
